“I am back to surfing and am hearing better than I have since childhood.”

surfers ear canal

I came to Dr. Nazarian’s office this year in urgent need of assistance. After sixteen years of suffering. I had a terrible case of Surfer’s ear in my right ear. My ear canal was basically 100% closed, water was trapped behind the bony growths, and the ear was badly infected. I was in a lot of pain, with throbbing infection and a 40 decimal hearing loss. Dr. Nazarian quickly prescribed an effective medication for the infection and clearly walked me through my options for the necessary surgery. He is a highly effective communicator. After the infection was gone, in a few weeks, Dr. Nazarian performed the surgery on the right ear. His full surgical staff was wonderful and professional. The surgery (which was more challenging than most due to its advanced state) was a complete success. All of the bony growths were removed, and now my ear canal is completely clean. I am back to surfing and am hearing better than I have since childhood.

Throughout this entire process, Dr. Nazarian has been the consummate professional, providing his expert care and surgical expertise to me in such a way were I felt fully aware of my options and totally confident in his care. The procedure was a total success, Dr. Nazarian was a pleasure and I couldn’t recommend him more. Surfers, look no further! Dr. Nazarian will get you back in the water.


Appointment Scheduling

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Note: Do not use this form for an emergency!

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