“I highly recommend if you have “surfers ears” to get in contact with these guys. It’s been a great experience and a professional team.”


I’ve been surfing since I was 10 years old and its a way of life for me. I grew up in Southern Australia surfing in swells coming off the Antarctica. My wave of choice is a heavy, slabbing shorebreak on the south coast. After 15 years of doing this, my left ear was grown over to about 80-90% from surfers and swimmers ear. I had it operated on in Australia. The right ear was about 8 years later. Both of these operations involved cutting the back of the ear off and drilling the excess bone out. Many of my surfing mates also had to have theirs done for the same reasons, to avoid ear infections and annoying blockages. Fast forward another 7 years and many more waves later and I’m living in Los Angeles, surfing regularly and the left ear needs to be drilled again as the bones had grown back. This time I did my research and found Osborne Head & Neck Institute and Dr. Nazarian. They did a less invasive (no Frankenstein ears)! Surely he fixed me up to get me back in the water again. I highly recommend if you have “surfers ears” to get in contact with these guys. It’s been a great experience and a professional team. Right now, I’m off to the wedge as there’s a good south swell running.

Venice, CA


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