“Everyday I’m hearing new sounds and enjoying life, my quality of life has improved dramatically that I’m more confident in myself trying and exploring new things.”

I first met Dr. Nazarian in 2017. I was in a rock bottom period of my life without hope. My hearing was classified as a deaf person and I stuttered all the time when I spoke. My family was with me at my first appointment and they were blown away with the knowledge they gained about cochlear implants. Dr. Nazarian’s insight gave me confidence that getting a cochlear implant in my left ear would be the best decision of my life. I haven’t looked back since. Everyday I’m hearing new sounds and enjoying life, my quality of life has improved dramatically that I’m more confident in myself trying and exploring new things. Dr. Nazarian was always there for me if I had any questions. The moment I first met Dr. Nazarian, I knew he was a fantastic doctor who truly wants whats best for his patients. When he performed surgery, he was there when I had my cochlear implant activated in June of 2018. Dr. Nazarian drove through all of Los Angeles and Santa Monica traffic to be at my audiologist office with the AB technician’s representative. I love my CI (cochlear implant) so much that I trust Dr. Nazarian to perform a second operation on my left ear. When the time comes, I would highly recommend Dr. Nazarian to family, friends and others who want to change their lives. -T.K.

“I cannot say enough about how Dr. Nazarian met the challenge and figured out a course of action that finally, after all these years has helped. Go see him. You won’t regret it.”

For fifty plus years I have suffered with a dysfunctional eustachian tube. I have had more countless ear infections, tubes placed in the eardrum, sinus surgery, eustachian tube balloon, rebuilt eardrum etc. I have seen more than a dozen different physicians to no avail. The problem was so bad that I was constantly popping my ears to get them to clear. AND I had to always carry decongestants and antibiotics wherever I went in case of a flare up. I became curious about how doctors’ stent arteries and sinuses to hold them open so I started looking for a physician who did eustachian tube stents in the hope that it would help. After searching for several months I finally found Dr. Nazarian at Cedars in Los Angeles. I made the appointment and went to see him. After an initial examination Dr. Nazarian said he wanted to get a CT Scan of my head and bone structure. This is the only doctor who wanted to do a CT Scan. And he discovered a piece of bone partially blocking the eustachian tube. Dr. Nazarian also said my ear canal was 80% shut, and there was a hole in my ear drum that never closed up. Outpatient surgery was scheduled and it included removing the bony tissue in the ear canal, removing the bone from the eustachian tube, rebuilding the eardrum and inserting a eustachian tube stent. Dr. Nazarian also prescribed Flonase to help keep things open. It is now six weeks later and no more problems with the ear. Hearing has improved and the popping every other minute is gone. I cannot say enough about how Dr. Nazarian met the challenge and figured out a course of action that finally, after all these years has helped. Go see him. You won’t regret…

“He truly cares about all of his patients. He is a very skilled surgeon who takes pride of his work. He is honest and always makes sure his patients are comfortable and receiving the best care.”

From my first appointment with Dr. Nazarian, I have always felt care and compassion from him and Desiree’ Dr. Nazarian always took his time with me and I never felt rushed. He truly cares about all of his patients. He is a very skilled surgeon who takes pride of his work. He is honest and always makes sure his patients are comfortable and receiving the best care. I received a cochlear implant and the whole process went smoothly. He was always accessible and answered all of my questions. I have never encountered a healthcare provider who has made me feel at ease and confident that I was in good hands. The other staff I encountered at Osborne Head and Neck Institute have also been so approachable and kind. Thank you so much for caring and providing exceptional service. -K.T.

“He is so nurturing, kind and caring, plus being an extremely skilled surgeon.”

My experience with Dr. Nazarian has been more than wonderful. From the moment you meet him he puts you at ease and you feel you are in the hands. I lost my hearing rather quickly and when hearing aids no longer worked, all I could do was read lips. I had a cochlear implant which has been very successful. My experience with him has been amazing. He is so nurturing, kind and caring, plus being an extremely skilled surgeon. I always look forward to seeing him. I feel so much better after I do. I recommend him to everyone I talk to. -J.G.

“You could not be in finer or more caring hands then with Dr. Nazarian.”

Thirty years ago, I successfully regained hearing in my right ear with a stapedectomy. Hearing in the left ear continued to deteriorate as the osteoporosis of the stapes along with natural aging reduced the mid and treble response. Eventually understanding speech became a burden to me and those close to me. The isolation that accompanies this problem is very real. I was no longer part of the world. Misunderstandings became commonplace. It was exhausting for both me and those around me. In noisy settings it took all my energy to follow conversations. Inability to hear what was going on behind me and on the deaf side alienated other people and increased danger in something as simple as crossing the street. Because of the risks of this type of surgery, I carefully researched the available surgeons in LA. Dr. Nazarian and the Osborne Clinic came with the finest reviews and recommendations. Hearing loss and the sensitive nature of this type of surgery only amplifies the need for a personal touch from the care giver. Honestly, I was bowled over by the lack of pretension and the deeply caring focus that Dr. Nazarian gave me every step of the way. His staff mirrored his professionalism and care. I was provided with all the information concerning the operation, pre and post-op expectations. The surgical staff were all cut from the same mold – humanistic with a positive attitude, providing honest responses to my concerns. After the operation (a stapedectomy), only a week went by before the packing in my ear was removed. I expected a large jump in volume and an immediate change in my range of hearing – which occurred in the first operation 30 years ago. Instead, I experienced an echoing and booming of sound at first which went away after…

“Thanks to the wonderful physician who didn’t give up on me, unlike all the other doctors whom I had seen.”

On August 1, 2013 I flew from Europe to LAX. I had developed a cold and during landing, the plane suddenly dropped and everybody on board felt excruciating pain in their ears, the worst pain I have ever experienced. Soon after landing, the eustachian tube in my right ear closed, but not the one in my left ear. The first weekend it still was open and I began to worry. Not long after, the worry esculated into a panic attacks I was diagnosed with patulous eustachian tubes. Over the next eight months I was emotionally paralyzed. Over the next five years I saw both private and university-based otolaryngologsits. One operated on me five times, but after every surgery, the eustachian tube would open, adding to my dismay. By the fifth year, I was running out of options. Then in early 2018 I made an appointment to see Dr. Nazarian at Cedars Sinai. It required three surgical procedures to get the eustachian tube to close. It is much better now and I am still praying that this long nightmare is coming to an end, thanks to the wonderful physician who didn’t give up on me, unlike all the other doctors whom I had seen. I thank the lord for leading me to Dr. Nazarian-the best physician I have ever had. -D.M.

“I’m so thankful I found Dr. Nazarian and took the steps to have him work on my ear.”

I came to Dr. Nazarian after working with many different ENT’s. I had been living with patulous eustachain tube for 2 ½ years now and every day was a struggle to get through. It caused anxiety and depression. Not one doctor that I had seen before Dr. Nazarian cared to help me and in a nice way, told me I was crazy. I’m so thankful I found Dr. Nazarian and took the steps to have him work on my ear. Now I can get back to focusing on raising my children and living my best life, thanks to Dr. Nazarian. Thank you from the bottom of my heart!!! -C.H.

“For all those years I was told nothing could be done to help me regain my hearing. But according to Dr. Nazarian something could be done, and he did it!”

Dr. Nazarian and the entire staff of Osborne Head and Neck Institute need to be thanked each and every day for everything they do. My hearing loss began 30 years ago, by 2018 I had no hearing in my left ear. For all those years I was told nothing could be done to help me regain my hearing. But according to Dr. Nazarian something could be done, and he did it! My surgery at Cedars Sinai for the BAHA device was quick and textbook perfect. It didn’t take long until I was ready for the sound processor to be turned on. What a marvel, can you imagine, I was able to hear the turn signal blinkers on the way home. That may seem an inconsequential thing, but to me it was miraculous. Thank You Dr. Nazarian for everything you gave up on your path to becoming the amazing person you are today. -C.A.

“I am back to surfing and am hearing better than I have since childhood.”

I came to Dr. Nazarian’s office this year in urgent need of assistance. After sixteen years of suffering. I had a terrible case of Surfer’s ear in my right ear. My ear canal was basically 100% closed, water was trapped behind the bony growths, and the ear was badly infected. I was in a lot of pain, with throbbing infection and a 40 decimal hearing loss. Dr. Nazarian quickly prescribed an effective medication for the infection and clearly walked me through my options for the necessary surgery. He is a highly effective communicator. After the infection was gone, in a few weeks, Dr. Nazarian performed the surgery on the right ear. His full surgical staff was wonderful and professional. The surgery (which was more challenging than most due to its advanced state) was a complete success. All of the bony growths were removed, and now my ear canal is completely clean. I am back to surfing and am hearing better than I have since childhood. Throughout this entire process, Dr. Nazarian has been the consummate professional, providing his expert care and surgical expertise to me in such a way were I felt fully aware of my options and totally confident in his care. The procedure was a total success, Dr. Nazarian was a pleasure and I couldn’t recommend him more. Surfers, look no further! Dr. Nazarian will get you back in the water. -N.W.