“After my septoplasty, tonsillectomy and turbinate reduction, I feel like a new person. I wake up feeling refreshed and well-rested, and I truly believe I avoided a lifetime of health issues as a result.”

From start to finish you and your team have been extremely knowledgeable, professional, and caring. I originally came in for treatment of strep throat, an issue I had encountered for too many times. You not only treated me for my infection, but you also gave me hope that my quality of life could be improved. I am so thrilled that everyone here at OHNI had the patience and calm demeanors to put me at ease and instill the doctor/patient trust I needed. After my septoplasty, tonsillectomy and turbinate reduction, I feel like a new person. I wake up feeling refreshed and well-rested, and I truly believe I avoided a lifetime of health issues as a result. Dr. Nazarian truly understands the patient’s need to feel comfortable and have an in depth understanding of procedures and options. I appreciate all of the hard working members of the team, and you should feel proud everyday knowing you are improving lives. I am forever grateful! -K.G.

“I don’t believe any other doctor could have done such excellent work as Dr. Nazarian and the staff could not have been more understanding of my special circumstances.”

To the best doctor and staff I could have hoped for. I was so lucky to find Dr. Nazarian to take such good care of me! He truly is a miracle worker. I was beginning to think I wouldn’t find any relief or any doctor who knew how to deal with my terrible wounds. I don’t believe any other doctor could have done such excellent work as Dr. Nazarian and the staff could not have been more understanding of my special circumstances. I am so grateful for you all, especially Dr. Nazarian and Aimee. -D.H.

“We are so lucky to have such a caring, always smiling doctor like you.”

I am so happy to have found you, Dr. Nazarian. You are so kind and friendly with A. He warmed up to you in no time. The care you took on his surgery day was amazing. You did everything to make sure he was comfortable and made sure that we were comfortable as well. Thanks to your knowledge he can now breathe at nights and can breathe through his nose. We are so lucky to have such a caring, always smiling doctor like you. We love you! We are your patients for life! -A.B.

“I’m excited to continue with the progress we’ve accomplished so far and couldn’t wish for a better team to do it with!”

  My whole life I have struggled with my hearing. It seemed no matter what I did nothing fixed the problem. Luckily, I found OHNI and Dr. Nazarian and he made the perfect decisions and plans to fix my hearing. I feel so blessed to have caught the problem before it had gotten any worse and that Dr. N and his awesome team fixed me up better than I could have ever expected. I want to thank you all from the bottom of my heart. I felt like I was a part of this family from my first visit and this whole experience has truly been a blessing. I’m excited to continue with the progress we’ve accomplished so far and couldn’t wish for a better team to do it with! Thank you Dr. Nazarian. -G.C.  

“Dr. Nazarian and the staff are amazing.”

  Dr. Nazarian and the staff are amazing. Dr. Nazarian was a god blessing to me. After having so many problems with my ears, I finally found Dr. Nazarian who was able to help me. I am very blessed to have found him. Thank you, thank you! I love all of you, great job. -A.C. Rancho Palos Verde, CA  

“We are grateful that Dr. Nazarian was able to help us in such a short amount of time. Thank you!”

  C. has lived with ear infections pretty much his whole life, and we needed to get relief for him. I called and got an appointment with Dr. Nazarian on 12/08/17. He has great bedside manner with kids, as C. is 3 years old. He needed ear tubes and adenoids removed. We were able to get an appointment at Cedars on 12/28/17. The surgery went great and the week after, C. has made a 180 degree and is a whole new kid. We are grateful that Dr. Nazarian was able to help us in such a short amount of time. Thank you! -G.T. Carson, CA  

“I want to thank him for being the greatest doctor I ever had. Now I can hear and it’s all thanks to him.”

  When I was 3 years old, my ear tubes came out, but in the left ear there was a hole. It was never really a problem until I got an ear infection that was very bad. I was sent to Dr. Raffi, who sent me to Dr. Nazarian. He told me that it was very bad and performed surgery. After the surgery, I was not careful and got hit in the head with a ball. We were doing really good and he helped me feel comfortable and safe. I want to thank him for being the greatest doctor I ever had. Now I can hear and it’s all thanks to him. Thank you Dr. Nazarian! -G.T. Carson, CA  

“Thanks to his questions and surgical skills, for the first time in 68 years I can hear out of my right ear!”

  Dr. Nazarian is a miracle worker. He is charming, engaging and makes you feel as though you are the most important patient he has. He asks many probing questions so he can help you. Thanks to his questions and surgical skills, for the first time in 68 years I can hear out of my right ear!!! This is a man who takes his time when he examines you. He never rushes you and can squeeze in an extra patient. He personally returns calls no matter how busy he is. He calls to see how you are doing. Dr. Nazarian is a doctor I have recommended and will continue to recommend. He is a highly skilled medical specialist with a heart as big as his brain. This is a wonderful, talented, result driven doctor that treats his patients like people. This matters to him, respectfully and not like a number. I trust him with my life. -H.S. Palm Desert, CA  

“I will be forever grateful to Dr. Nazarian and to the Institute for enlightening me on the possibility of correcting my problem with my hearing and ear drum.”

  I’ve had problems on my left ear for as long as I can remember. Every time I went go to urgent care, they gave me drops or antibiotics for the pain and issues. I knew that when they told me I have a hole in my ear drum, which makes me prone to allergies and infections. Doing my research online, I came across Osborne Head & Neck Institute and saw Dr. Nazarian’s credentials and took the initiative to see him. I was surprised when he told that he can fix my deteriorating hearing and patch the hole in my ear drum-”Tymapnoplasty”. Dr. Nazarian’s enthusiasm and professionalism made me jump the gun on doing the procedure. Showing me the current condition through videos and pictures made me realize this situation I am in and look forward in correcting the problem. Now on my 4th week after the surgery, I can feel and hear the difference, knowing that I can have a better hearing future ahead of me. I will be forever grateful to Dr. Nazarian and to the Institute for enlightening me on the possibility of correcting my problem with my hearing and ear drum. -J.G. Canyon Country, CA