“Through the entire process Dr. Nazarian was patient and kind, taking the time to explain all of our options.”

  My son was on vacation when he got an ear infection. We had several months of treatment before another doctor referred us to Dr. Nazarian for a surgery consultation. I was scared and so worried. There’s no fear like knowing your child is suffering and it’s something you just can’t fix, but through the entire process Dr. Nazarian was patient and kind, taking the time to explain all of our options. He gave me the information I needed to feel comfortable in the decisions I was making for my child. The day of surgery came and the waiting felt like it would never end. The team took care of him so well. He went through surgery so well. One of the best moments of my life was when he finally opened his eyes. His follow up care has continued to be wonderful. Dr. Nazarian has answered questions both silly and ridiculous, ensuring we’ve been comfortable with his healing and progress. I’m very grateful for the care and committed of the entire team. -M.P. Torrance, CA  

“Everything is healing perfect! I feel wonderful and very grateful for him. He is not only a doctor, He is a person with a lot of charisma, dedication and love for his patients.”

  We were blessed to find Dr. Nazarian to have my ear surgery with him. We live in Miami, Florida and I had a cholesteatoma in my right ear. He took care of me and did an excellent job in the surgery. (Now a week later), my recovery was fast and less pain, as he told me. Now after a week of the surgery, I’m ready to go back to Florida without any problem or pain in my ear. Everything is healing perfect! I feel wonderful and very grateful for him. He is not only a doctor, He is a person with a lot of charisma, dedication and love for his patients. Thank you very much Dr. Nazarian, for your excellent job! God bless you, I will always remember you. -M.I. Pembroke Pines, FL  

“The moment I woke up from surgery, I could feel the life changing difference in my ears! They felt open and my hearing was better.”

  I cannot speak more highly of Dr. Zandifar and Dr. Nazarian!! The entire staff are the best. I had so many sinus issues and problems with my ears (eustachian tubes). My eustachian tubes were so bad that every time I took the 405-101, I knew it would take hours before my ears would pop. (one time my ear drum ruptured on a plane). I had seen 3 ENT’s before I found this clinic. The clogged and stuffed feeling I had would trigger horrible migraines, so I knew I had to take care of it ASAP. I had the balloon in my eustachian tubes, my turbinates shrunk and my deviated septum fixed all at once. The moment I woke up from surgery, I could feel the life changing difference in my ears! They felt open and my hearing was better. I can drive over the 405 or into the mountains like a normal human being. My ears pop on their own 90% of the time and I can now pop them with a yawn. Sometimes I feel the pop without anticipating it because I have allergies. I welcome that feeling because I’ve never been able to do it before. I totally recommend this procedure. Although it is a life changing sinus surgery, it is painful but life changing. I felt very taken care of by Dr. Zandifar and Dr. Nazarian. They have THE BEST bedside manner and are the most gentle doctors. I can breathe now, I don’t snore and as a singer (a soprano), I can hit notes without having to clear my throat first!!! I feel incredibly blessed in my experience and trust them whole heartedly. -J.N. Los Angeles, CA  

“I’ve been to the top ENT’s throughout this city, and Dr. Nazarian is heads above the rest.”

  To say that Dr. Ronen Nazarian saved my life would be an understatement. I have suffered from chronic ear infections, vertigo, and sinus infections for the last 6 years. 8 months ago, I developed an active ear infection were puss and blood continued to come out of my ear. Thus began the most frustrating odyssey at endless ENT’s all over L.A. Multiple visits to the house clinic and no one, absolutely NO ONE could diagnose or help me. I felt like I was loosing my mind! It was part of my life. But then, I got to Dr. Nazarian. He is the most caring and competent doctor in the world. Not only did he correctly diagnose me with mastoiditis, but he sat with me for 2 hours and walked me through the scans so I could see for myself. He is my angel. I’ve been to the top ENT’s throughout this city, and Dr. Nazarian is heads above the rest. He did a tympanoplasty and 2 eustachian tubes balloon dilation. The surgery went seamless. The 8 month ear infection is gone. I have my hearing back and I feel like myself! He is my hero. -J.M. Santa Monica, CA  

“Having this surgery was the best thing I’ve done and I shouldn’t have put it off for so long.”

When this all started I only noticed liquid in my ear. The next 5 years my ear was always swollen, ached and I would get dizzy. I finally got the right diagnosis and I was told it was called surfer’s ear. At this point, I was told surgery is my only option. Since this was my first surgery, I wasn’t motivated to get it done. I prolonged it for another 4 years. At this point, I can barely hear out of it and it was always swollen. I was having Dr. Nazarian clean it out constantly. I knew it was time to have surgery. Dr. Nazarian made the entire process as easy and flawless as possible. I was able to schedule it on a Friday and I was out Friday night. By Saturday, I had no pain. On Sunday, most of the swelling was gone. Having this surgery was the best thing I’ve done and I shouldn’t have put it off for so long. -G.S. Palmdale, CA  

“I can honestly say Dr. Nazarian is one of the best doctors I have ever had. He is detailed, knowledgeable, and truly cares about the patients.”

  I couldn’t have asked for a better experience with Dr. Nazarian. Throughout the whole process, from the first day I came in, Dr. Nazarian was patient, gentle and explained every step of the procedure, from pre-op to post op. Every one at the office is friendly and makes you feel at home. I just moved from Charlotte, NC and had to have surgery to fix a hole in my ear drum 3 weeks arriving to Los Angeles. It could have been a stressful, frustrating experience but thanks to Dr. Nazarian, Terry and the rest of the staff, it has been a breeze and they feel like family. I can honestly say Dr. Nazarian is one of the best doctors I have ever had. He is detailed, knowledgeable, and truly cares about the patients. Most importantly, my ear is healing beautiful thanks to Dr. Nazarian’s skillful surgical talent. Anyone in Dr. Nazarian’s care can expect to be in fantastic hands. Thank you, Dr. Nazarian. -B.B. Charlotte, NC  

“I highly recommend if you have “surfers ears” to get in contact with these guys. It’s been a great experience and a professional team.”

  I’ve been surfing since I was 10 years old and its a way of life for me. I grew up in Southern Australia surfing in swells coming off the Antarctica. My wave of choice is a heavy, slabbing shorebreak on the south coast. After 15 years of doing this, my left ear was grown over to about 80-90% from surfers and swimmers ear. I had it operated on in Australia. The right ear was about 8 years later. Both of these operations involved cutting the back of the ear off and drilling the excess bone out. Many of my surfing mates also had to have theirs done for the same reasons, to avoid ear infections and annoying blockages. Fast forward another 7 years and many more waves later and I’m living in Los Angeles, surfing regularly and the left ear needs to be drilled again as the bones had grown back. This time I did my research and found Osborne Head & Neck Institute and Dr. Nazarian. They did a less invasive (no Frankenstein ears)! Surely he fixed me up to get me back in the water again. I highly recommend if you have “surfers ears” to get in contact with these guys. It’s been a great experience and a professional team. Right now, I’m off to the wedge as there’s a good south swell running. -B.L. Venice, CA  

“Dr. Nazarian is as qualified a physician you will find on this planet…. both as a caring person, and as a doctor.”

  I am an 87 year old male who has not heard out of his left ear for 30 years plus. I had my implant on 1/30/17. Each day without right ear help (hearing aid, resound), I hear better. I play the TV and radio and don’t use my aid, just my implant. This office has been like a second family to me. Dr. Nazarian is as qualified a physician you will find on this planet…. both as a caring person, and as a doctor. -R.H. Los Angeles, CA  

“It was one of the most trusting medical experiences I have ever had”

  Before surgery by Dr. Nazarian, I had a hole in my ear drum that was 40-50% of the entire ear drum. He repaired it by making a patch from tissue taken behind my ear, a very delicate operation done microscopically. The tissue all heeled beautifully to the surviving ear drum edges and incorporated itself into my own body within about 6 weeks, as though there had never been an injury. Throughout the process from pre to post surgery and follow up, Dr. Nazarain was warm, cordial and kind, treating a patient, while keeping professional boundaries. It was one of the most trusting medical experiences I have ever had. (I am at 2 months post surgery and my hearing is almost equivalent in both ears). -M.D. Los Angeles, CA  

“Meeting doctors who would take the time to truly explore the best diagnosis and possibilities has been a wonderful emotional experience for which I’m grateful!”

  I feel truly lucky that a friend recommended your practice to me, as it connected me with Dr. Nazarian, Dr. Gupta, and Dr. Hamilton. Since my first visit, I have been treated with professionalism, good humor and true caring by everyone on the staff. This experience follows years of dead-end diagnosis and assembly line care, meeting doctors who would take the time to truly explore the best (and even most unusal, Dr. Nazarian) diagnosis and possibilities has been a wonderful emotional experience for which I’m grateful! Thank you all for what you do for those in your care! -R.S. Los Angeles, CA